Dragon you seek..

“A dragon that protects the treasure within, The great legends of old. We may recall stories of treasure or crystals hidden, underground vaults, deep within the earths core. Often this treasure is guarded by some mystical creature, such as dragons, which must then be fought and vanquished or so they say. Your purpose, is an emanation of the earth itself. It is an ideal you are here to bring onto the physical plane, therefore go inwards and downwards weave through the shadow to find this inner state in your life, this is an odyssey to mine this gold. “

-Richard Rudd

“I can find my way into sacred places” 
There she is, lying in the depths of the forest floor, Lost and confused on how exactly she reached such a cast out point of view… 
 It seems her life was foredoomed; as she starts to give up entirely, the ground beneath shifts in the form of her body; it can feel her dying, preparing to swallow her; she doesn't fight it; she has given up on her life so many times already, let it be the final time; gazing up, inhaling one more deep breath, she sees time pause for a second. 
She feels a soft breeze gently stroke her cheek, the ground beneath starts to synchronize to the sounds of her heartbeat. 
She can sense the movement of the forest all around and starts to listen closely, a call comes through the trees ever so softly whispering come with me… 
She instantly feels an overwhelming sense of home, so nostalgic, like a mother calling for her child saying supper is ready… 
Awaken by the call, she walks through the forest with no real direction but with a keen sense of grounding in each step… 
Soon she encounters a mountain, struck in awe of such majesty,  quietly she becomes present… 
Absorbing the landscape all around, so many beautiful colors, the scents in the air that run through her body, arising new visions that create the phase within all that is living. 
 The art and music creating this electric connection like a festival of life within the forest… 
Looking deeply, she discovers a cavern; she feels the urge to step in and explore… 
A slight hesitation shiver’s down her spine, but she proceeds and enters gently.  
It seems dark and cold but she is secure that she can still see the entrance; knowing she can step out at any second quiets her fears.  
She keeps on deeper within the cavern and soon discovers she is all in; there is nothing but darkness all around. 
 Afraid of the unknown, she desperately starts to cry; 
 “I’m Lost,” 
 she screams,” 
 I’m scared, 
 Is anyone there?  
would you help me?”  
A sense of peace calms her instantly, pouring over her . 
As she closes her eyes, letting go completely, A shimmer of light starts to reveal so much more. 
She can see a whole world 
Life all around, a feeling of being held, overcomes her entire body.  
She continues to journey, soon to uncover a sunless sea within the cavern. 
This water is so perfect, not too cold, not too warm, but an ideal temperature to match her body. 
As she enters this sea, she becomes wholly submerged, diving deeply into the ocean floor. She surrenders all and trust’s the way that placed the call. 
She feels the divine running through her, a love she has never felt before. 
She feels safe and loved, supported in every way, with no need for air; her body can adapt and breathe in a whole new way… 
Rising to her highest frequency, she starts to explore all these uncharted waters within. 
 Receiving the key  unlocking the truths inside of her so much more to this life, a second of truth washes away a lifetime of lies. 
 Let it be so!  
That mankind was not born for this life alone! 
She reaches the top and steps out with a greater understanding and a mission, walks with time in a meditative position, reaching out to her guides, a warrior state of mind; she was given information, the blueprints of life.  
Soon she becomes aware that she will have to face the Dragon to uncover more; in each layer, a gift will lie; fearful of how mighty this dragon is and what it will take from her, whether or not she will survive her quest, she wonders if it’s too much or if she should turn back Instead.  
No one else is around to join her; she is entirely alone. She knows she has nothing else to lose; she has given her all so many times already, left for dead, not much gained from her suffering in vain… 
 Just a few moments in the sunless sea it had given her a taste of life, filling her cup over; it’s impossible to walk away after feeling so much light running through her veins. 
She travels through the unknown, getting closer; she can feel the temperature change, a heat so strong the dragon  has sensed her enter, this will be a page to remember… 
To be continued.... 
After reaching the point of no return, she knows exactly the game at play. A whisper shares the reminder to stay present, “breathe” it repeats you know how to move through this maze. A quarter cup of mothers earthly wine, lights a flame  in her core, ready to erupt. 
The seeds planted have sprouted, her roots break ground, revealing a blooming of Knowing, emerging from her mind, tasting the nectar off the fruit hanging down from the vines of her ancestral line. 
She peels away the layers, removing the old stories, shedding her wounds with the same urge that once left her burning. 
She realizes, she has to learn to approach this next phase with transparency, detaching from the expectation that she’ll survive, fully embracing death, as part of her romance with life. 
So much passion behind her quake in fear, keeps her fully engaged as she approaches the stone scales running on the back of the Dragon’s tail. 
This majestic creature lies peacefully in the depths of the sunless sea, self-assured, she lays her head intimately, anticipating the dragons next breath, she soon discovers, the beauty behind the shadows of this creature, Jewels and diamonds, emanating energy from the top of their head, swirling of patterns all through their chest, blue and green auras pouring out of its flesh, 
Rivets of strength, glare through their eyes, exposing her minds organ of sight. 
She then becomes hypnotized in delight, The dragon turns over, their belly exposed, welcoming her over to lay cozy in their warmth. 
so nurturing the dragons motherly embrace, they have distilled her beliefs; all that once limited her from ever entering, now lies awake with curiosity. 
The dragon speaks, do you remember? 
Do you remember me? 
Do you remember us? 
We used to play when you were young, I held your hand and picked you up; I kept you safe, brought you gifts, do you remember the butterfly kiss.  
The birds singing in the morning, waking you up at just the right moment. 
 Do you remember all of the ideas that we created together? 
 The music you’ve worn on your heart, the art revealed to you at Sunrise or sunset, it was all to bring you closer to us.  
I wanted to show you, so you could remember. 
Tears stream down her face, a strong yearning sets in, her entire life just dissolved. 
She recalls every second, able to see all the life behind the memories.  
Here she was living, a “hopeless, complex, life with no fuel left”, leaving her mind on high and  her body at rest. She had abandoned herself in the process of surviving, not much of her was kept.. 
The dragon continues,  
“I have thread you with gifts and a sense of direction deep within your solar plexus.” 
You are a bridge and carry a light, once you embody your growing pains with this rebirth, you will soon realize, you’re a part of the root race, in preparation to the coming of our children, you are paving the way, I am here at arms length, keeping you awake, you are here to impact the world, and bring change. 
She stood there, in silence, not much to say after that. “a purpose? Gifts? You? Me? Us?” 
This seems so far fetched, an illusion  of course. 
“My mind must be playing games.” 
But,” I feel this so intimately, like every space inside of me is being filled endlessly, with a sort of vibrating ecstasy.” 
“I’m afraid” She says,” how can I be all these things? 
Not long ago I was nothing!” 
“ You believe this to be true!“ says the dragon, but that’s not what we designed for you. 
Your intelligence has been compromised… 
 The signals we sent have been unlocking your genetic codes since the very beginning, before you were even born, your ancestors began the journey before you, they all played a role in to your becoming. 
“ Don’t be fooled” you can do no wrong, the journey will take care of itself. 
Insight reveals the dragons mind, 
(“You will fly like the wind over the mountains  cutting a crevasse uncovering new paths. You’ll Flow like the river over stones smoothing every barrier out beneath. You’ll burn like fire, clearing out the old, bringing fresh nutrients to the soil.) you are the fever sweating out the mind, the grip of pain, life, and death reinventing itself each day. 
There is no shame, soften your embrace, become fluid, able to shape shift your mind in order to enter this sacred space. 
You are the universe experiencing itself over and over again! nervousness is just excitement without the breath. Juggle between balancing the elements and walking the tight rope of awareness. 
I Repeat, 
Don’t be afraid of drowning at Shore, Let time skip across your heart, leaving ripples of thoughts, expanding will allow you to make quantum leaps, go ahead and set yourself free to explore all that you can reach.” 
Set back by this Majestic projection, she feels a sense of unworthiness set in. 
She is hesitant, "a journey to reveal me to me?   
“What if I get lost? 
What if I don’t remember?” 
“ You know where to find me” says the dragon 
“I have been here all along. 
Begin to set your sails, do not inquire on regards to the extent, you will arrive unknowingly. 
We can begin to create the adventure, fear not of what is to come, take pleasure of your character! 
All that you see has a potential sign to be interpreted, so therefore discover your purpose, the entire universe exists inside of your body. The Sky is full of imprints, lives before life, an open vault revealing a light flash through the mind…” 



Queer Universe