The Universe Is Queer

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Fear Separates Us—Awakening to Truth

After a journey of self-discovery, I’ve come to understand that fear separates us from the truth and the divine oneness of God and creation. Traditional philosophies often instill fear, convincing us we don’t belong, that we’re not good enough. This mindset leads to self-denial and makes us act in ways that don’t align with our true selves.

To transcend fear and embrace unity, we must learn to allow, accept, embrace, and create.

The Tree of Life symbolizes our journey. It starts with a seed, seemingly small and insignificant, buried deep in the soil. In the darkness, the seed begins to grow roots, drawing strength and nutrients to rise up toward the sun. The tree never uproots itself; it remains firmly grounded, providing life, shelter, and beauty to its surroundings. This tree mirrors our purpose on earth: to root ourselves in truth, find strength in the shadows, and rise toward the light of Christ consciousness. Our mission is to stay grounded and bring forth life in the world.

Carl Jung taught the importance of integrating the unconscious mind to achieve wholeness. His philosophy emphasizes facing our inner darkness to gain self-knowledge and transform into our true selves. This integration is vital to living authentically and in harmony.

Rumi saw the world as a reflection of God’s beauty. His poetry speaks of transcending the ego through divine love, finding unity, and seeking truth within. Rumi’s teachings inspire us to open our hearts, embrace the pain, and discover the light in everything.

Ram Dass emphasized living in the present moment. His teachings focus on mindfulness and love as pathways to self-discovery. Ram Dass teaches that when we find our true selves, we live from a place of love and compassion, interconnected with all beings.

Alan Watts highlighted the interconnectedness of all things. He believed that life is not a journey to a specific destination but a dance, meant to be embraced in every moment. His teachings encourage us to flow with life and see the unity between ourselves and the world.

The Sufis embody the pursuit of divine love through direct experience with God. Their practices symbolize the soul’s journey toward divine truth and unity. They teach us that love purifies the soul, bringing us closer to the divine.

These teachings, combined with the symbolism of the tree of life, emphasize unity, embracing truth, and transcending fear. When we integrate these philosophies into our lives, we embody the spirit of oneness and align ourselves with love, which is the universal language that connects us all.

Ask yourself, “Where do I have fear?” Follow that fear to its root, and you’ll find what you need to know. The moment you remove fear from your life, you become truly alive. What will you do with that life? How will you make a difference in the world?

Embrace your power and become everything you were designed to be. Remove the blockages that keep you from your true calling and your true self. Find your truths and use them to help the world.

Spread Love, not fear
Spread Truth, not doubt
Embrace change; what you resist persists.

The Message of Oneness with God